Then, not long ago I found a page on google (not secure link) that have all the maps, for all the DLC - Campus included! I don't know whom to give the credit for those maps, but it really saved me a lot of work, that I was only halfway into but link to page is: Only those maps don't tell that some lack certain transportation options, and that's quite important, as well as total area that can be used for building, so I've written down all those details and just now published another guide where I have chose the top 10 maps based on having all resources, all transports and the most amount of buildable area. I've been on the lookout for the maps for Cities Skylines, and there's one great page called The Skylines Planning Guide:, where I've earlier have had the pleasure to study all the base game maps (not included the DLC maps), with all 25 tiles, how much wind, the resources, where they are and planning nice spots for industrial zones, parks, future dams, transportation, where to build "Downtown" and where to keep to suburbs etc. All Vanilla (City Skylines With All DLC Included) Maps